In memory of Susan Percival
Mum passed away on 27th December 08 in her 90th year.
Born in Wallsend, her mum, 2 sisters and brother all moved to London when she was a child. Her father had been injured in the Great War and he remained, hospitalised, in the north east. London proved a very tough and demanding life for them all. She met Allan and they married on 26th December 1937,living in Willesden, NW London. Dad then served for 6 years in the Royal Fusiliers from 1939-1945. He saw active service in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Son Allan was born and then Raymond but he died soon after birth. Niece Teresa lived as a member of the family for many years until she married and emigrated to Canada with Maurice. She always held a special place in Mum's love.
When Dad retired they moved, with Nan, to Durham to be near Allan & Sue. Nan died in 1984 aged 99 years 6months and Dad died in 1994, aged 78.
In the 1980s mum overcame breast cancer and throughout 2008 she did all that her physical condition could allow to support (daughter in law) Sue who went through the same ordeal. Her main struggle over the past 15 years was with arthritis. This eventually immobilsed her completely and she suffered chronic pain levels which constantly affected her.
For Steve & Michelle and for Allison, the generational boundaries were crossed by fun and by love with each of them enjoying a particularly close friendship with Nan - and marvelling (with her) in her endless repartee of Malapropisms .
It's the end of another era - and we've each been enriched by her love, her quirky ways, her "I don't want to bother you" independence and her amazing fortitude.
We are a very close knit family and it was a joy that Mum shared so fully in all our lives until she left us to rejoin Dad.
Allan & Sue
Allan Percival Fund holder
Your donations have helped research make great progress over the last year and we're looking back on some of the headlines from 2016. Thank you for all your incredible support - read more about the research you've made possible at
19 January 2009
Allan Percival
4 January 2009
Mr Glen Bertram
4 January 2009
Mr Doug Brown
31 December 2008
Mr Allan Percival
30 December 2008
Mr caroline dos asantos da silva
30 December 2008
Mr caroline dos santos da silva