In memory of Mary Shanley
1933 - 1986
Unfortunately I did not know my grandmother Mary for very long as I was only 3 years old, when she passed away. But I will never forget her face and just how much my mother looks just like her. My mother looked that much like her she was christened with the same name Mary. I am very lucky to carry my grandmothers name as my middle name too.
My Grandmother Mary was from Galway in Ireland but suffered from depression and in those days many years ago they used electrocution to help solve this. Unfortunately my grandmother always suffered with this mental illness. She moved to Coventry with the war where she met my Grandfather Micheal Shanley and they got married and had six children, with one of the six children being my mum. They were a very strong catholic family and always went to church on Sunday and had a very loving and happy family.
Unfortunately my grandmother Mary got breast cancer and the doctors thought they had cured her, but unfortunately years ago they never checked on the patients 6months after cancer. But the cancer had came back and spread all over in her bones, she only lived till the age of 52.
Beverley Roberts Fund holder