In memory of Brenda chenery
1942 - 2015
Brenda left a lasting memory with all that met her. She always lived her life to the fullest; living in foreign climates, travelling the world and never being afraid to try new experiences. So many of us could learn from this way of living; with a smile on her face and no regrets.
She was a loving wife, mother, nanny... and a cancer survivor. Twice before it took her from us. She worked tirelessly to raise money and work for charity, to battle this terrible affliction, that affects so many of us directly or indirectly in the course of our lives.
This page has been set up to remember her. To serve as a legacy to her. We love her and miss her every day but take strength in knowing that we can continue to fund raise for Breakthrough breast cancer.
The family will call in on the page on a regular basis, to let you know what we will be doing to add to the fund. We will continue her good work in our own small ways. We may also have some stories and photos to share as time goes by.
If you would like to share any stories about Brenda, upload photos or make a donation, please feel free to join our celebration of her life on this page.
May we thank you all for taking the time to read this short message and know that we remain eternally grateful for you love and support, whether it be emotional or financial.
Victoria Barden Fund holder

Your donations have helped research make great progress over the last year and we're looking back on some of the headlines from 2016. Thank you for all your incredible support - read more about the research you've made possible at

29 June 2016
15 November 2015
William White